Monday 18 October 2021

My Review Of The 2021 Porsche 911 992 Carrera!

 Hey It's Me Again

Today on our class Google Meet my teacher Mr.G set a challenge for us. We had to write a review of something. Since i'm into cars I did one of one of my favourite cars .

Hope you like it


  1. Kia ora Xavier
    I really like your review because you have things that you like about it and things that you don't like about it. It reminds me of you sitting in it and zooming along the racetrack. Maybe you could add how much money would it cost to buy.
    Blog ya later, Luka out.

    1. Hi Luka,
      Thanks for the comment. I did add the price on the last slide. Thanks for checking out my Blog.
      Blog Ya Later!

  2. Fakaalofa lahi atu Xavier, great to see you blogging again this term. Wow, that is a super flash car with a very big price tag! I like how you set out the information about the car - very clear and easy to read. Just checking - does it come in different colours?
