Sunday 19 September 2021

My Book I'm Making Called Larry The Land Rover!

 Hey there!

Earlier last week my teacher Mr.G set us a challenge sheet. We had to complete 2 challenges in the 2 weeks. One of the challenges was you had to make a children's book. I did that one. The hardest part was thinking about what would happen in the book to the characters. Here is my story without pictures but I will draw pictures on the full published version. What do you think?


  1. Nice job, Xavier, what a great introduction to Larry the Land Rover, I'm guessing this might be the first of many adventures. (NB, I don't know if its my computer but the images are not displaying).

  2. Hi Xavier it's Lochie
    I don't seem to be able to see the pictures in your slide but its cool any way. Byeeeeeee.

  3. Hello there Mr P and Lochie!
    I haven't drawn the pictures yet but I will soon. But I will give you some exclusive rendering of what it might look like.
